“More than a just a transformation”
“From feeling troubled and unhappy to feeling more confident and outgoing”
Rachel’s Story…
I think it’s fair to say that the past year has been by far the best year of my life so far…
From a very young age, I had always questioned my gender, I appreciate for some, that may be hard to believe…
It wasn’t until my teenage years that I started to explore the real possibility I was transgender.
For many years I fought deep depression…
I decided to hide away from the fact that there was a strong possibility that I was transgender…
For many years I felt lost, unhappy and had no real direction in life…
I drank and partied most weekends, but I felt dark & lonely on the inside…
It was only a few years back that things started to change…
My feminine side started to come out…I would start to dress up as a women..
For a short time I was filled with joy and excitement…
However things started to change…
I met my partner who is still my partner to this very day..
Although very happy at the time, I was still in a constant battle with myself…
It was only last year that I hit my lowest point…
At the age of 35 I considered taking my own life…
I knew deep down the real reason to why I felt like this…
To that very day I had never spoke to anyone about how I felt…
I decided that the only way I was going to move forward from this was to face the daunting prospect of opening up to my partner about how I was feeling…
Although shocked at first, to my amazement she became very supportive of how I felt…
For the very first time in my life, I felt accepted…
This is where my journey began…
I took my first step…
I reached out the my GP before being referred to a gender identity clinic…
This is where my life changed forever…
At long last I felt that I was finally free to express my feminine side…
This was only the beginning of the rest of my life…
The day came when I met the endocrinologist who was more than happy to help me on the road to transitioning…
It wasn’t long after meeting him I started my hormone replacement treatment…
Rachel was born…
Throughout my whole adult life I had battled with my mental health…
Turning to alcohol and food for comfort, this soon started to have a negative impact on my physical health, not to mention my waist line…
Filled with apprehension and anxiety I took the step to contact Chris at UHF
This is where my journey to a fitter, healthier and much stronger version of myself began…
Taking that first step was the hardest…
It wasn’t long until all that feeling of apprehension disappeared…
I was welcoming with open arms and made to feel part of the UHF family…
The support and guidance has been incredible from all the coaches and the rest of the members…
My results speak for themselves…
…with over 3stone loss my body shape continues to change…
Thank you UHF!
I continue to look forward what my future holds…
If you would like to join us here at Ultimate Health and Fitness, we will be re-opening our doors on Monday August 3rd.
For more information email: info@ultimatehealth-fitness.co.uk