#repost ** Client Spotlight – Sammy**

I started UHF at the beginning of January after retiring early from work at Christmas.

The last four years have been quite tough for me and my family having found out I had breast cancer in 2016. Having had all the treatment and the 1 year all clear, on my birthday in 2018 I found out I had a recurrence in addition to a new and different cancer in my right breast.
This led me to making the decision to have a double mastectomy. This was followed by another 12 months of all the horrible chemo treatment. It was after this second time that I had to re-evaluate my life.

I was in a very stressful job, I had put on lots of weight (some of it down to steroid treatments) and I knew I had to do something as my main fear was (and is) another recurrence.
That’s when I saw the UHF advertising on facebook. It looked like just what I needed so I rang up and spoke to Yvonne initially who got Chris to ring me.
We had a really good chat, I explained what I was looking for and we set a start date for the New Year after my retirement.

I cannot say how glad I am that I took that step. I have been to gyms before but never lasted as it felt like you were always left to your own devices and I never ended up hitting the goals I needed and got bored and frustrated.

I have never had the support I have with Chris and the UHF team. They really help you to understand what you need to do to reach your goals.

During lockdown, Chris set up the zoom sessions so we did not miss out on exercise and we have recently started back in the gym with a brand new set-up all set out to meet social distancing guidance.
The people that go to the gym are so friendly and supportive of one another and I feel like I have been accepted. 

When I first started I couldn’t even do a squat as I suffer with arthritis in my knees and fingers and if I get down I can’t get up again! However, I am now doing squats, am improving slightly on lunges and lifting weights. I feel like a different person.

Since January I have lost 12.4 kg which I am really chuffed with, I am still over-weight but I have set my new personal goal to lose more and to get toned up.

I have no doubt I will achieve this with the help and support of the team at UHF. 

Thank you Chris and the team for all you have done.
You have my gratitude.


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